Aldus SuperPaint 3.0 “Painting, Drawing, and Image Enhancement— A Complete Graphics Environment” Trial Size Version By Silicon Beach Software, Inc. A Subsidiary of Aldus Corporation The “Way Cool” Product Team Michelle Alsip-Welsh, Product Manager Paul Holland, Project Engineer Cindy Taylor, Product Marketing Manager Conceived and Programmed by: Paul Holland and Bill Snider Programming Team: Dana “danaMAC” Gregory Paul Holland Marie Hughes “and baby” Chris “Chuck” Mohrman Martin Naiman Bill Snider …additional programming by: Chris “Mad Dog” Athanas Ed Bomke Linda “Lindoids” McLennan Ron Miller Christopher “c-dub” Watson John F. Simon, Jr. Program based on SuperPaint (versions 1.0 and 2.0) by: Jonathan Gay Dana Gregory Marie L. Hughes Charlie Jackson Linda McLennan Bill Snider Eric Zocher Program design by: Michelle Alsip-Welsh and Paul Holland … with contributions from: Bill Snider and Cindy Taylor Team Quality Control Manager Jon “Big Dog” Wright Beta Tester Liaison Chris “Stick Figure” Petersen Product Specialist Eileen Kulo Outstanding testing by: …Team Quality Control: Geoff “the Jazzmaster” Ceriani Aderemi Dosunmu Lisa “Bubba” Gunning Eileen Kulo Di Marcus Bob “RGB Palette” Mehlschau Robin Mueller Mike “Meanest man in QC” Myers Stephen “No Doz” Phillips …when the going gets tough, Team QC eats pizza. …and the Tech Support All Stars: Sean Baird Tom Burns Lori Hansen Kevin Ostrom Chris Petersen Wei Tan …and the SuperTemps: Rochelle Cobb Darrell Gaul Dee Heizer Amy Johnson Mark Myers Deborah Taylor …for contributing their evenings and weekends. Manual written by: John “Argh” Marlatt …with contributions from: Evelyn Alemanni Paul Goethel Package design by: Phillip Gordon Manual layout and graphics by: Virginia Cordova West Mauri Nakashima …with contributions from: Kimberly Carlson Chris Petersen On-line Help by: Paul Goethel Mauri Nakashima Special thanks to: Doug Campbell Tom Casey Steve Cullen Kathy Episcopo Debbie Fox Karen Hogan Anne Hutchison Jeanne McIntosh Mick O’Lear “Dupper” David Pardubsky Carolyn Post Joanne Rush Maurice Rizzuto Bobbi Warczak Take-a-Break vending company for keeping Dr. Pepper in the soda machines for Paul Holland Baby Hughes-Kennedy for 100% participation from conception to delivery Special Awards… Most Worf Dolls Paul Holland & Ron Miller Test Night Cootie Plaque winners Virginia Cordova West Anastasia Dellas Atmosphere provided by… Engineering’s RC parking lot demolition derby. Crazy Chicken for those late night dinners. The QC toy department. In ’n Out Burger for keeping QC and Engineering fed. SBS Fighter Squadron VF-9770 “Hammer Squadron”. Ok… Paul, Cindy, and Michelle it’s time for a Mohawk! Long Live Worf!